These are the things I'll rate using 1-5 stars (and .5 in between):
- Writing/Voice
- Characters/Development
- Plot/Pace
- Heat*
- Stars
* Please note that the "Heat" is measured in how much I enjoyed it and if there was too much, too little, or just the perfect amount for the specific type of book I'm rating. Yes, there's such a thing as too much sex in a book and I will give it a low rating in "Heat" if there's too much. I'll give it a rating of 5 if it's just perfect for that specific book (and if it was well written and not too repetitive).
I write my reviews with this in mind:
- Story Enjoyment
- Writing Style and Voice
- Characters and Development
- Plot and Pace
- Sex Content
- Other things that worked
- Other things that didn't work
I will label each review with:
Author, Title, Series, Stars, Word Count, and Genres.
Word count is categorized into:
1-10k (short story)
10-30k (short novella)
30-50k (long novella)
50-70k (short novel)
70-90k (long novel)
90k+ (extra long novel)
If you have requested a review and I have accepted (when this feature will be open), I will contact the person requesting once the review is up and provide a direct link.
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